Kalrez® 7075
A new *pound with enhanced physical performance properties including very low *pression set (15% O-rings per ASTM D 395B) and improved seal force retention. It is a carbon black filled *pound utilizing new and proprietary cure chemistry technology with mechanical properties designed for improving sealing performance in both high temperature environments and temperature cycling situations. 7075 joins the family of Kalrez ® Spectrum ™ products designed for the chemical processing industry. To provide even greater sealing performance in dynamic applications where low friction is required, 7075 O-rings have a glossier finish than other Kalrez ® parts. 7075 was specifically developed to be used as an O-ring or custom-sealing *ponent in the chemical and hydrocarbon industries, with an improved thermal resistance that extends maximum service temperature to 327°C (620°F). Kalrez ® Spectrum ™ 7075 offers the enhanced elastomeric properties outlined above while providing a chemical resistance better than the industry standard set by Kalrez ® 4079.
Kalrez® 4079
A low *pression set *pound for general-purpose use in O-rings, diaphragms, seals, and other parts used in the process and aircraft industries. It is a carbon black-filled *pound with excellent chemical resistance, good mechanical properties, and outstanding hot air aging properties. It exhibits low swell in organic an inorganic acids and aldehydes and has good response to temperature cycling effects. A maximum operating temperature of 316ºC (600ºF) is re*mended, with short excursions to higher temperatures possible. This *pound is not re*mended for use in hot water/steam applications or in contact with certain hot aliphatic amines, ethylene oxide and propylene oxide.
Kalrez® 6375
A carbon black-filled *pound for general use in O-rings, seals, diaphragms and other specialty parts specifically for the chemical process industry. This *pound has excellent, broad chemical resistance, good mechanical properties, and outstanding hot-air aging properties. 6375 is well suited for mixed process streams because of its excellent resistance to acids, bases, and amines. In addition, it is the suggested *pound for use in hot water steam, ethylene oxide and propylene oxide. A maximum service temperature of 275ºC (525ºF) is re*mended.
Kalrez® 1050LF
A general-purpose *pound for O-rings, seals, and other parts used in chemical process industries. It has good hot water/steam, excellent amine resistance, and enhanced *pression set properties. Maximum re*mended service temperature of 288ºC (550ºF). Not re*mended for use in organic or inorganic acids at high temperatures.
Kalrez® 1058
A carbon black-filled *pound that has been plasticized with a perfluorinated oil. It is the softest, lowest modulus *pound available. Generally, it is similar in chemical resistance to *pound 1050LF; it has an upper service temperature of 260ºC (500ºF). Typically used in applications that require how sealing force or high extensibility including liquid chromatography septa, seals/seats for relief valves and tubing. Its shrinkage is greater than other Kalrez *pounds; therefore, finished parts may differ from standard specifications.
Kalrez® 3018