美國DFE(Dover Flexo Electronics)公司從研發張力檢測器開始,數十年來一直致力于卷取行業張力控制產品的研發與生產,其產品功能強大、安裝使用方便。DFE張力檢測器穩定性好,種類齊全,適用于各種應用場合;DFE信號放大器的零漂移明顯小于其它同類產品;DFE張力控制器安全級別高,是工業自動化領域的首選。
上海秋騰貿易代理銷售美國DFE張力控制器,DFE張力監測器,DFE控制器,DFE信號放大器,DFE測力器,DFE放大器,DFE氣動剎車盤、DFE張力控制器、DFE張力檢測器、DFE傳感器、DEF張力檢測儀、DFE等全系列產品。我公司還特價供應美國安優公司Accuweb糾偏控制系統、美國蒙特福公司Montalvo張力控制系統、英國GEW公司UV固化系統、美國EMT公司沖孔系統、美國真彩公司Trucolor靜止圖像監測系統、美國愛納康公司ENERCON電暈處理系統、美國雙易公司Double-E氣漲軸氣脹套、瑞典科爾沃公司Kelvo卷材除塵系統、瑞士法士德Fasnacht油墨粘度控制系統、意大利高特Mario cotta分切系統、德國Enulec公司靜電印刷輔助吸墨設備、日本伏泰克公司Futec缺陷檢測系統等國際著名的工控領域用產品,廣泛地應用在各種有關卷取控制的設備及生產線上,如印刷機、表格機、標簽機、造紙機、復卷機、涂布機、復合機等。
The industry standard tension transducers (sometimes called 'load cells'). These units, which contain high-accuracy semi-conductor strain-gauge sensors, are installed in pairs on idler roller shaft ends. Each roll-shaft transducer assembly can be mounted in a preferred web path location on your dual-frame web machine. Five standard mounting styles available for every machine configuration.
For those measurement applications with a high load (heavy tension) on the substrate and idler rolls in the web path, the Model FH or FV are the tension sensing tools to use. The F transducer is DFE's current generation tension sensors, used in pairs, for mounting 'under pillow-block' on machines with the idler roll shaft ends mounted in pillow-block bearings. The model F transducer has taken the place of DFE's previous line of UPB-style 'Under Pillow-Block' transducers.
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