意大利DATEXEL的產品種類廣、系列全,其中的防爆型產品符合ATEX*94/9/EC,主要產品系列有:DATEXEL溫度變送器(防爆/智能型溫度變送器)、DATEXEL溫度信號轉換器、DATEXEL信號隔離器、DATEXEL信號調節器、DATEXEL數據采集控制模塊(I/O模塊)、DATEXEL PLC控制A/D界面模塊、DATEXEL跳閘信號放大器、DATEXEL電流隔離器、DATEXEL數字顯示表等。其產品可匹配熱電偶、熱電阻、RTD等多種類型的傳感器。可讀取電流、電壓、電阻、電位等多種輸入信號。從而極大地方便了用戶的選型應用。
意大利 DATEXEL所有生產產品都按著電磁兼容性的標準執行,符合國際化的制造標準,完全遵循RAEE、ROHS保護指令。DATEXEL的大部產品適合于在易爆的生產環境,并符合ATEX94/9/EC防爆標準,公司通過ISO 9001:2000質量標準認證。
The DATEXEL DAT6000 series is an evolution in the connection of analog signals to digital PLC's.
The DATEXEL DAT6011 converts two non isolated Voltages (up to ± 1 V) or thermocouple signals to a digital PLC.
The DATEXEL DAT6000 series amplifies, linearizes, isolates, filters and converts the analog signals to a high resolution digital signal, by few and simple instructions downloaded into any PLC. It is possible to acquire more analog signals on one digital input.
The digital signal can be connected to any input of the PLC. The digital signal is composed of a series of 16 bits “word” containing the value of the analog inputs to acquire. The PLC controls the data transmission by a clock signal (CLK) generated from one of its output ports used to ask the device after the enabling of transmission by the enable signal (ENABLE). If the enable signal is high, at each rising edge of clock, the device will provide on the data line (DATA) one of the bits that composes the reading word.
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DATEXEL pressure transmitter, DATEXEL module