用途特性 控溫精度±0.5℃ Temp Accuracy0.3℃ 加熱功率實時顯示 The heating power displayed in real time 環保型制冷劑 Environment friendly refrigerant 進口壓縮機,低噪音 imported *pressor, low noise 大屏幕顯示,操作便捷 Large screen display and convenient operation 外觀緊湊,內槽容積大 *pact appearance , large space inside the tank. 過溫報警及多重安全保護 Over temperature alarm and multiple safety protection 具有加熱和制冷功率 With heating and cooling functions PID控制,獨創計算模式 PID control and original *puting mode 液槽及上蓋采用優質不銹鋼 Tank and cover made of high-quality stainless steel 加熱功率自動調節,快速升溫 Automatic adjustment of heating power, rapid heating 液位低時,聲光報警并切斷電源 When the liquid level is low, the sound and light alarm and cut off the power supply 雙溫度探針,同時顯示內外溫度 Double temperature probe and temperature display at the same time