High pressure ball valve, one-piece high-pressure forged valve body, in Class 150 ~ 2500LB Operating Temperature -28 to 300 ° C in the petroleum, chemical, fire station and other conditions of the pipeline, its safety, resistance to harsh environments such as design have been special consideration, suitable medium: water, steam, oil, nitric acid, acetic acid, urea and other corrosive and strong oxidizing medium. The mode of operation: manual, pneumatic, electric, hydraulic and gas-liquid interaction.
2、當萬一發生火災或由于異常升溫使閥座密封圈燒損或軟化時,在彈簧和介質壓力作用下,使支撐圈球面部位和球體形成金屬對金屬接觸,達到暫時密封作用,阻止了火災進一步擴大,符合API 6FA的規定。
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