閥門產品的開發yu制 造。除了2000多種常規產品外,
進行客戶化的特殊設 計。
用于各種 中溫、高溫、常壓、高壓場合,
適用于中高溫 熱水、高溫蒸汽、飽和蒸汽、過熱蒸汽及導熱 油等管路的自動控制;
采用全金屬密 封,介質流體溫度可達450℃。液體、蒸汽及冷凝水、
油品可混合使用,更加提高電磁閥的使 用范圍不同的使用介質,
采用針對性的密封,更加提高電磁閥合理性。 采用新穎巧妙的閥芯 結
重量是同類產品的三分之一,采用不銹鋼活塞結 構,
可持續頻繁工作。介質流體** 高壓力可提供45Mpa。
GSR公司主要產品有 直動式電磁閥,先導式電磁閥,
強制先導式電磁閥,氣動閥, 電動閥等。
GSR公司, 創立于1971年,專業從事電磁閥、
氣動閥、電動閥門等閥門產品的開發yu制 造。
大口徑 (DN400)的電磁閥和氣動、電動閥門;
GSR of Germany belongs to Indus Holding AG group, which is a listed *pany with more than 30 subsidiaries and annual sales of nearly 1 billion euro. GSR valve technology *pany, founded by Mr. W. Niemann in 1971, specializes in the development and manufacture of solenoid valve, pneumatic valve, electric valve and other valve products. In addition to more than 2000 conventional products, it can also provide high temperature (350 ℃), high pressure (350 bar) and large diameter (dn400) solenoid valve, pneumatic valve and electric valve. According to the requirements of users, special specifications of electric valve are designed.